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how was it for me

UP SEEMS SO DOWN  was recorded by Produced by Rob Newton and Dillon Blaney in 2011/12 at NewSound Studio


this beautiful notion that you can be pleased. 

this filling of the soul despite what it needs 

comes the desperate cry for freedom  

in a land where nothing comes for free. 

you have the sweetest alibi, luv 

or is it the lie you tell yourself so you can get to  sleep?


how was it for you? how was it for me? 

the morning after our disease 

has taken hold of our senses and brought us to our knees 

three cheers for what's left of a twisted democracy.                 

it was the end of you, my friend, how ends it for me. 


the insipid rants that run our mouths 

bitter words come out with ease 

we face the finest of our challenges. 

but fail the basest of our needs 

try to meet them with a tasteless pill 

or fix them on TV

we are falling down like soldiers here

they are falling down like leaves. 


we are crawling through the ocean 

we should be gliding through the trees.                

we are drowning in the desert sands

when we should be walking on the sea. 


how was it for you? how was it for me? 

the morning after our disease 

has taken hold of our senses and brought us to our knees 

three cheers for what's left of a dying democracy.                 

it was the end of you, my friend, how ends it for me. 


how was it for you? how was it for me? 

the morning after our disease 

has taken hold of our senses and brought us to our knees 

three cheers for what's next... the coming Theocracy.                 

it was the end of you, my friend, how ends it for me. 


words music by robb 12.5.06

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