the coast
Recorded at Glass Planet Studios with producer Krys Keylor in 2006/07
there's no way out there's no way back
and the things that we need the most make up all we lack
when what you got is what you get
it's good when it's good and when it turns you just call it quits
this long train coming on just sailed off the track
you never stole from me baby you just borrowed and never gave it back.
and quietly we sit waiting for that ship
to roll across the harbour but it never comes in
and the thing you wanted most, just moved out to the coast
and you want her so bad, but you know you'll never give in
with nothing to win and nothing left to prove
like when the record skips a beat it's just finding it's groove
the reverend says we'd be better off dead
and when all is said and done this won't matter one bit.
and quietly we sit
waiting for that ship
to roll across the harbour
but it never comes in
and the thing you need the most
tears through you like a ghost
and she's been trying so hard
and all she wants is to come back in
there's no way back and there's no way in
and the things are passing you by won't come back again
words and music by robb
September 20-25th 2000
apartment song