anotheR room
Recorded at Glass Planet Studios with producer Krys Keylor in 2006/07
another room, another dance, another backwards circumstance
last one to leave still takes that chance
that's the way it has always been
there's no room for lost romance
you follow the rules you don't stand a chance.
it never works just like it's planned
that's the way things have always been
i can't remember what i said not to myself or to my friends
and i don't remember what she said or who she was or why
she's dead. another time another place a painted room for
you to stay. another smile another tear i still can't laugh i
still can't feel so cold i can not move my hands so numb i'm
sure you understand i lost a girl there goes my plans i still
can't move my feet my hands. my eyes my throat my ears my
nose my arms my legs my feet my toes so lost i can't keep up
with you as if i ever really really could....
another room, another try
just shut-up and kiss me and don't ask me why
another lie but i don't mind
that's the way things have always been
another room an outstretched hand
this is not what i had planned.
it never is i don't understand
that's the way things have always been.
all lyrics and words and music and arrangements by robb...
started 1994-completed 1995
it actually took about 3 minutes to write it all but i call it my 30 second song
everybody has one..